======================== Source code repositories ======================== .. raw:: html
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Section Navigation ------------------ - `Developers <../projects/index.html>`__ - `Developer's Handbook <../doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/developers-handbook>`__ - `Porter's Handbook <../doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook>`__ - `Source code repositories <../developers/cvs.html>`__ - `Release Engineering <../releng/index.html>`__ - `Platforms <../platforms/>`__ - `Project Ideas `__ - `Contributing <../doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/contributing/index.html>`__ .. raw:: html
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Source code repositories ======================== Subversion ---------- `Subversion `__ (SVN for short) is the tool the FreeBSD?Project uses for keeping its sources under control. Every change (with an accompanying log message explaining its purpose) is stored. It can be easily viewed from the web interface mentioned below. In June 2008, development of the base system migrated from CVS to Subversion. The `web interface `__ is available for browsing the repository. In May 2012, the FreeBSD Documentation Project moved from CVS to Subversion. There is a `web interface `__ available for browsing the contents of the FreeBSD Documentation Project SVN repository. In July 2012, the FreeBSD Ports tree moved from CVS to Subversion. There is a `web interface `__ for browsing the repository. Other options ------------- `CTM <../doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/ctm.html>`__ if you are looking for very low overhead, batch-mode access (basically, patches through email). .. raw:: html
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