======================== FreeBSD Advocacy Project ======================== .. raw:: html
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Section Navigation ------------------ - `About <../about.html>`__ - `Features <../features.html>`__ - `Applications <../applications.html>`__ - `Advocacy <../advocacy/>`__ - `Marketing <../marketing/>`__ - `Administration <../administration.html>`__ - `News <../news/newsflash.html>`__ - `Events <../events/events.html>`__ - `Press <../news/press.html>`__ - `Multimedia <../multimedia/multimedia.html>`__ - `Artwork <../art.html>`__ - `Logo <../logo.html>`__ - `Donations <../donations/>`__ - `Legal Notices <../copyright/>`__ - `Privacy Policy <../privacy.html>`__ .. raw:: html
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FreeBSD Advocacy Project ======================== Much of the success which surrounds FreeBSD is due to people advocating its use to their friends, colleagues, and employers. This page provides links to more information to help you do this. Mailing lists ------------- - `FreeBSD advocacy mailing list `__ Web resources ------------- - `FreeBSD quarterly status reports <../news/status/status.html>`__ Quarterly status reports detailing activity within and surrounding FreeBSD. - `Why Use FreeBSD? `__ Explanations given by existing users as to why FreeBSD should be used. - `\*BSD Myths `__ Describes and debunks some of the myths that surround the \*BSD projects. - `FreeBSD in the Press <../news/press.html>`__ Contains many links to articles that have appeared which mention FreeBSD. Sites using FreeBSD ------------------- - `Hosting Providers Performance `__ by Netcraft is tracking the reliability of major webhosting services, many of them are using FreeBSD. - `The Open Directory Project's `__ goal is to produce the most comprehensive directory of the web by relying on a vast army of volunteer editors. - A brief list of sites using FreeBSD is maintained `in the handbook <../handbook/nutshell.html#INTRODUCTION-NUTSHELL-USERS>`__. FreeBSD conferences ------------------- - `BSDCan `__, the annual BSD Conference held in Ottawa, Canada. - `EuroBSDCon `__, the annual BSD Conference in Europe. - `AsiaBSDCon `__, the annual BSD Conference held in Asia. .. raw:: html
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